
Mio Cosplay (School Uniform) from K ON


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07-30 13:29 CosplayRei
If I order this in the near future. Can I get, along side with what's here, the yellow/cream vest from the summer uniform?
07-30 20:42 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello CosplayRei, the actual costume is just same as the photo shown; if you'd like to change the color/design/material, please submit ticket (with product link & request) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly.  n_n

06-04 07:49 Ivy M
Hello cosplayfu, I have a question about the Customer Review Photo below the product. This person shows a k-on costume. But, the color is not the same as the actual product shown above. It is more like light blue. Not navy. So, I was wondering, Is this person showing the other 'cheaper' k-on costume you have in your shop? (because that one is more light blue). Or is it actually THIS costume on this page. I hope I don't sound weird, but I am really picky when it comes to color. Thank you in advance!!
06-04 21:21 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Ivy M, they are the same costume, but since the color seems a bit different because of the different lighting effect.  For the customer photo, we guess it was taking by cell phones indoor, so the actual color may be a bit different to our photos.  
**We use a spot light when taking product photos, so the effect is just like you put it outdoor under sunshine.  n_n