
Mako Cosplay from The Legend of Korra


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05-23 02:36 Alex M
Any chance of ordering this and getting it in a week? Paying extra to make it happen of course.
05-23 09:31 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Alex M, since we only starts making costume after received order & payment, so we are sorry that it is impossible to reach you within a week.
**if you order standard size now (about 4 weeks making costume time) and use the fastest shipping method (Premium Express, 3-6 days shipping time), it will reach you around 5 weeks after order's confirmed.   

*All shipping information (including methods, cost & estimated delivered date) will be shown in order page, before payment; you can pay extra cost to upgrade shipping method there.
*Please remember to mark down the date (you need it) in the order form when you order it. :)
07-15 18:40 Josh
Does the outfit come with the white legging pieces that are shown in the picture next to the gloves? And are the pants designed to go past the knee?
07-15 22:08 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Josh,yes, the white legging pieces are included.If you need the pants in a specific length,please write it in remark box (in order form), and our tailor will adjust it for you.  n_n
*Remark message like 'I want a shorter/longer pants, from waist to pants` end: xxcm.'