
Lee Costume (1-427) from Naruto


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09-09 15:55 amanda
I have a three year old who loves naruto. Would it be possible to make a costume in his size. If so how much would it cost and how long would it be to recieve the completed product. Thanks
09-09 20:32 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello amanda, yes, we can make kid's size, but most of the costumes are made of polyester, not cotton; if this is okay, please just click & choose your favorite costume and choose the size (both standard size & custom size are available).   n_n
*How to order custom size?

We include free shipping (Hong Kong Post, 20-30 days shipping time) worldwide, except Vietnam. And you can pay extra cost to upgrade faster shipping method.  [*All shipping information (methods, cost & estimated delivered date) will be shown in order page, before payment.]