
Roberta Cosplay from Black Lagoon


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04-05 04:10 shinigami ojisan
Hi, I buyed this cosplay custom made for male (crossdressing). I have one practical question. How to wash this cosplay. I miss label with washing instructions.
04-05 21:33 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello,shinigami ojisan.Thanks for your support to us.You just need to wash it as like our everyday cloths. 
11-13 09:22 KiraV
Hi, I will probably buy (sooner or later) the costume for you, I think it's the best made on the web! Btw, I want to point at you that the picture of the character description is wrong, that's not Roberta, but Fabiola (http://mjv-art.org/jvwall/get_image/49584-1257x1080-black+lagoon-fabiola+iglesias-maid-vector.jpg and http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/4479/433785-black_lagoon_robertas_blood_trail_002.png). SHE is Roberta: http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptationsanime/bl/roberta02.jpg (even though the colors are wrong. The pvc figure's colors are the right ones: http://www.animeshinobi.com/anime_pvc/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/black-lagoon-roberta-figure-1.jpg and http://www.animeshinobi.com/anime_pvc/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/black-lagoon-roberta-figure-2.jpg and http://www.animeshinobi.com/anime_pvc/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/black-lagoon-roberta-figure-5.jpg )
11-13 22:35 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello KiraV,thank for you correcting.