
Golden Darkness Shoes from To Love Ru


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10-03 04:56 yami
hi may i know the diffrence for the shoes? as you can choose from man or female but what is the diffrence about the 2 shoes
10-03 08:59 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello yami, the shoes (foot) shape for male & female shoes are bit different, so please choose correct gender & shoes size, so our shoes tailor will make correct shoes size for you.  n_n
08-26 17:50 Chris Lang
So, I have size 15 shoes in Mens and so I am unsure about whether or not I would fit into the shoes. I only have two options of 24 or 25cm, which is Small and Medium. I was wondering if I could do anything about it or if I can't get them.
08-26 20:41 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Chris Lang, we use standard size cm, so may be you can check your existing shoes size for reference.  In personal opinion, I think the bigger size will be better, because we can add the shoes pad inside the shoes if it is a bit bigger.  n_n