
Scorpion Costume from Mortal Kombat


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06-09 11:11 aaron
my sizes are as followed: shoulder: 49cm chest:96cm around waist 86cm around hip: 98 around sleeve 62cm (due to the costume not having sleeves the size of my forearm is 23cm and the wrist is 17cm around) outside leg: 100cm bicep: 30cm around forearm around 25cm back of neck to my forehead is 46cm and cheek to cheek is 37cm around the back of my head (this is for the hood of my costume) height: 174
06-09 21:06 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello aaron, after you ordered it, please write it in remark box (in order form), and our tailor will adjust it for you.  n_n