
Ayano Cosplay from Kagerou Project


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09-11 00:44 Marizol
What does Outside Leg mean and does Shoulder Width mean from shoulder to shoulder?
09-11 01:21 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Marizol, yes, the shoulder width means the length from left shoulder to right shoulder.
The outside leg means the length from waist to ankle.  It is for our tailor use to check the costume proportion.
*Or, you can add remark message like 'I want the skirt length (from waist to skirt end) be xxcm.'
06-05 07:19 Laura
Hi, I really need to get this for the 20th of june, how quickly could you get this entire costume to me? I'm willing to pay anything I need to, this is very important.
06-05 21:07 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Laura, if you order a rush order now, choose standard size and use the fastest shipping method (Premium Express, 3-6 days shipping time), it can reach you before 20th June.   n_n

*All shipping information (including methods, cost & estimated delivered date) will be shown in order page, before payment; you can pay extra cost to upgrade shipping method there.
*Please remember to mark down the date (you need it) in the order form when you order it. :)